1. How do I get the new updates to the AutokeyUnlocker machine? 
    A= Remember that it is necessary to be registered on the support website 
    https://project.autokeyunlocker.com If you are not yet registered, go to: https://project.autokeyunlocker.com/member/regist.asp

  2. Does the AutokeyUnlocker device work to be connected to an internet network?
    A= It is not necessary to be connected to an internet network, since you can carry out the work online or offline. 

  3. Is there a user manual? How to get it?
    A= Once the device has been purchased, you will be sent a PDF document, which will contain information on the use of the AutokeyUnlocker device. In case you have lost the document, you can go to:
    https://drive.google.com/file/d/1QaagmR-1qNF3fFcGcFzmXQ_1K74bn1hA/view and request the password to download, remember that you may be asked for proof of payment. 

  4. The software was uninstalled from my device, how do I reinstall?
    A= To install the software, go to the link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1eaVrXW0P354E-qJ0uLHPqDCRny30gAjJ/view

  5. What happens if I don't find the key to unlock in the team's catalog? 
    A= You can share the key data to the email 
    [email protected] . In this way, we will start working on the requested model as soon as possible. The response time can be up to 30 business days. 

  6. Is there technical support for the equipment? How to access it?
    A= The first step is to be registered on the https://project.autokeyunlocker.com/member/signin.asp support website. If you are already registered, you can get the latest updates here. 

  7. Can you ship the equipment to different parts of the world?
    A= We have a wide coverage for the shipment of the equipment, do not hesitate to contact us and request your quote. 

  8. How many keys does the AutokeyUnlocker support?
    A= Currently our unlock catalog is more than 165 models of keys, which is constantly updated for a better offer to our customers. 

  9. How can I make a secure purchase?
    A= Your purchase is secured through PayPal. 

  10. What are the support hours?
    A= Our support hours are from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm (GMT-6).